Linosa, oh my, Linosa

Linosa is one of the Pelagie Islands in the Sicily Channel of the Mediterranean Sea. It sits halfway between Sicily and Tunisia but officially is part of the Province of Agrigento, along with neighboring Lampedusa and uninhabited Lampione.

It occupies just over 2 square miles and upon first appearance, seems like a fairly barren place. But it is home to nesting sea turtles, marine birds, and just over 400 year round residents, and, in fact, while there are very few trees at all, much less any casting shade, the island offers plenty of respite from the sun beneath tall rocky cliffs and beautiful, African-inspired architecture.

It served as a perfect getaway, offering relaxation, trekking, swimming, great food and company, in a place boasting beauty and natural wonder amongst unparalleled volcanic scenery and glittering unspoiled waters.

To read more about our visit please click here


To read more about our visit please click here 〰️


Thanks for being here. We look forward to possibly seeing you one day in Sicily!

Steve and Franca


On How We Got Here


Transumanza 2024